Thursday, February 9, 2017

For Honor review (again): Weeb Unfairness Gallore

If you do not want to read my ramblings, here is a summary of what I want to say:

Seriously. If I am playing as Vikings and opponent is Samurai, their sheer amount of speed is placing players so unfairly over me.

I try to attack the opponent but by the time I am able to do second attack, he already slashed me three times!
How's that fair?!
At least pit me against some fair opponent -- like a slower one!
How the hell am I supposed to win if my maximum speed is around 30km/h and theirs is 420km/h?!
Are you kidding?
It's like comparing lawnmower and Apache attack helicopter.
Both have blades, yes, but one is super fast and one is slow!
I'd stick my hand into a shark tank and cut myself with a razor blade!
What is this?!
 This is seriously unfair!

And they even have a stunning effect on top of that!
So by the time my character finally regains control and tries to attack, the opponent has already taken away 75% of my health!
This is ridiculous!

Color me surprised, the game is good, 
but if this issue is not resolved, 
I don't think I will be playing this after the beta period.
This is a SERIOUS problem.
 If this is not fixed, everyone will be playing as Samurai.
Why? Because that's the only way to win!

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