Saturday, April 23, 2016

Steam-Idle GUI frontend - Enwitched! (Available on GitHub)

Check this out! It's my first real repo on GitHub! :D

This does all the explaining for me, so check it out:

Q: What is this?
A: It's a program for idling in games you own, using Steam client. It doesn't actually turn on your games, it just emulates it being run over by a REIGNdeer.

Q: Will it get me banned?
A: No, but just to be safe, don't do it on Valve games. (like Portal, Team Fortress 2, and Counter-Strike) 
Also, don't start iding while playing other games on Steam! 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

WTF is this chip? (ATMEL604)

I enhanced the photo a little bit.
The letters are engraved with laser and there is no Atmel logo anywhere on the chip.
I think it came from some sort of dodgy heated bed matress controller (different from most of those controllers here -- which either uses LMXXXX OP-AMP chip, a trim pot, or Samsung/Microchip/ST Semicon programmable IC chip)

If anyone knows what this is, please leave a comment below.

EDIT: This is a two-wire EEPROM chip from Atmel. What am I supposed to do with this?