Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Banned from Reddit: What a load of bullshit!

Just look at this madness.
Fuck the censors, I don't give a fuck now.

So this guy banned me because that motherfucker said there is a keylogger inside my archive.

So I messaged the mod who just banned me, and this is the whole conversation. 
(Click to see)

The proof? Here:

And this is the post before pruning.
I ranted on it few times.


So, here's the message to the asshole who reported me and the mod who blindly accepted it:

Do whatever you want to do with that shitty subreddit.
I don't give a fuck.

To that moron who banned me:
Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Just go fuck yourself.
No, don't kill yourself, just fuck yourself with a cactus covered in caustic soda.
You are as stupid as a brick.
You are as biased as a broken see-saw.
I wish I had never met you.
I hope all your files disappear because of degraded RAID volume.
I hope your motherboard goes up in fire.
I hope all your backup drives and main drives fail at the same time.
I hope you get Cryptolocker.
I hope you drop your electronics into the ocean.
And I hope your house gets blackout while you were working on your stupid projects.
I hope you lose money.
I hope you get hacked.
I hope you just disappear without trace.
Your moderating skill is as equally good as a monkey with a typewriter.
Your thought process is as complex as amoeba.
 I bet you're a basement-dwelling loser.
I hope you get hit by a car so delicately that you live forever with chronic pain, so you get addicted to opiates.
I hope you fuck up your Dropbox backup.
I hope you spill Mountain Dew on your new computer.
I hope your house gets hit by a lightning so everything connected to the socket explodes.
I hope all of your loved ones hate you.
I hope you fuck up your relationship so bad you get tagged as a public enemy.
I hope you slip on a banana peel so amusingly your name changes to Mr. Fucktard McBanana Slip.
I hope all of your newly bought products are Dead On Arrival.
I hope your credit card ends up in underground carding club.
I hope all your batteries explode at the exactly same time so precisely YOU don't get hurt but all the things nearby gets fucked so hard you have to pay them back even though they're yours.
I hope that chocolate chip cookies you got were actually raisin cookies.
I hope your ear rings forever.
I hope you lose sense of smell and taste.
I hope you get zapped by counterfeit charger so hard you come flying through the ceiling and land on a wiener car.


p.s. Now fucking kill yourself.
I can do moderation WAY better than you, and I can handle situation WAY better than you. You chickened your way out, and you will pay for that. Do you think you can do something like that and live just like you did before? Hell no, I will come to your place and I will wreck everything you love. I will pull your power out while streaming, I will fucking snap every single drives you have, I will get all of your goddamned storage devices and remove SIM cards so your fucking thing is no longer traceable, and I will rip every single file on your goddamned drive and sell it to crooks so they can do bad things to your life. Oh, you have security system? Now you don't, I will destroy every and any recording devices including your puny ass ADT alarm. Do you think that teeny tiny bell can scare me? Oh boy, you guessed it wrong! I know where people install such thing and I will put 320 volts on every single wire so every part of your system will blow up. You have security camera? Now you don't. I will take down all and any cameras and network devices, cut the power to your home and put link wires on every single mains plug you have. Even if you have UPS, I will remove that thing and throw it out the window. Your recordings will be destroyed on site and hex key will not stop me. All I need is an axe and sledgehammer, and I know how to destroy evidences. That means, you are fucked.
 (actually, this shit is over and I don't really care about you, Mr.Nobody.)

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