After fixing the problems on the previous revision of the Smart LED board, I went on making some improvements on the circuit and schematic itself.
With some elbow grease (and tons of swearing), I managed to fix everything.
With some elbow grease (and tons of swearing), I managed to fix everything.
Schematic escaping the document boundary is not a part of the improvement.
As you can see, I've replaced nearly 80% of wiring with proper symbols to aid the making of the circuit.
Also, the capacitors are here.
I implemented a way to connect everything without ever using vias or jumper wires.
(About the mashed up traces near the bottom right corner -- it was a rogue plated logo)
The file is OSHPark compatible, dual sided board is recommended (for pin stability) but you can get away with single sided board too.
Project is at
Project is at